Aoshima 1/12 1998 Honda Dream 50
KIT #: | 050729 |
PRICE: | 2000 yen SRP |
DECALS: | One option |
REVIEWER: | Scott Van Aken |
addition to Aoshima's 'Naked Bike' series (where do they come up with these
names), is a rather neat looking race inspired 50cc bike. Molded on four
major sprues, the detailing is excellent. One sprue is chrome, one is a
nicely done aluminum, while one is red and the other in black. This is
theoretically to assist in painting as the red bits are for the minimal
bodywork and tank halves. There is also a clear sprue for light and
instrument covers. Turn and brake light covers will need to be painted. The
kit comes with rubber/vinyl pneumatic tires and a long length of tubing to
use for brake lines. Screws are provided to use as axles for the front and
rear wheels.
The chain, drive and sprocket are all molded as one piece. The chrome is really well done and the wheels look quite good. I'm sure that many will end up stripping some of these pieces once they have removed mold seams . But for younger modelers who are not concerned with these niceties, the chrome will make for a very shiny model.
Instructions are well drawn and while much of the instruction material is in Japanese, there is enough English to make construction easy. Colors are provided in Gunze references. There is also a nice decal sheet with Honda logos, instrument faces and a few other bits. No authentic plate, which would have been nice. There is also no overall painting guide, but you can use the box art for that purpose.
This is another very nicely done large scale small motorcycle by Aoshima. It looks like it will make a superb model when done and isn't so complex as to take an age to build.
September 2011
My thanks to for the review kit. Get yours today at your local
retailer or ask them to order it in for you.
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