
Warlords Vol 1: 4th 20th & 55th FG


Barry & Ann Money


Flight Recorder Publications


$29.95 from Specialty Press


Scott Van Aken

Notes: ISBN: 0-9545605-1-5. 160 pages, softbound

This has to be a first for me and probably you as well. The authors are enamoured by the 8th Air Force and this is the first edition in what they hope will be a series where they are attempting to illustrate every known USAAF fighter in the 8th AF.

The authors have only chosen to illustrate those aircraft for which they have been able to find some photographic reference. The result is over 500 profiles, surely a first of its kind. It is all here; P-47s, P-38s and P-51s galore.

The first units chosen are the 4th, 20th, and 55th Fighter Groups. What they have done is to follow a time-line in terms of the aircraft used and the unit markings applied to those aircraft. Thus, for example, the 4th FG starts off with the Spitfire and ends with some very colorful P-51Ds. A similar treatment is provided to the other groups.

The majority of the book has four profiles per page with information on the pilot accompanying each profile. At the bottom of the page is more data on the aircraft itself. The profiles themselves are well done and this book is really aimed at the modeler as much as the historian. As such, color and markings take precedence over total drawing accuracy. The base drawing for each plane is a bit on the pixillated side, as are any enlarged nose art images, but otherwise well done. Each section does have a few photographs of the aircraft in question, but as the authors state, most of the information comes from outside sources and a large bibliography is provided.

Overall it is a superb effort and one that will undoubtedly provide fodder for the decal makers. I'd have to say that it is an excellent idea and for those of us who like profiles, an outstanding reference and value for the money. It is a book that I can highly recommend, especially if your interest lies in the 8th AF. 

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