
USAAF Eagles #3: P-47 Units of the 8th AF


Roger Freeman


Classic Publications, 2002




Scott Van Aken


This book is #3 of a series by Classic Publications on USAAF aircraft colors. This particular volume covers P-47 units attached to the 8th AF in the UK. It is a chronological study that concentrates on the camouflage and markings of the the aircraft and units in question. Though there is some "I was there" stuff in the very end of the book, most of what is in there is what is near and dear to most modeler's hearts, and that is information on the paint schemes of the planes themselves.

One would not think that all that could take up a large, cardbound, 96 page book. However, there are a ton of great photos and excellent profiles to help fill those pages. The book is written in chronological order with the initial section dealing with the standard P-47 colors and markings and then goes into specific unit details.

As with all Classic books, the real meat of the work is not the writing, which in this case is superbly done by known 8th AF freak, Roger Freeman, but it is in the large number of superb photographs. A vast majority of the pictures were totally new to me and most were crisp and clear. Some color images were also included.

In the book I learned about the two training squadrons that were using war weary T-bolts as well as the specialized air/sea rescue units that also used older model P-47s. There are LOTS of nose art and kill marking photos as well, to whet the appetite of most modelers to search the kit pantry for an appropriate kit and decal sheet.

All in all, an excellent reference for 8th AF P-47s. It is not too in-depth to be considered the 'final word' on the subject, but contains enough information for most of us to be satisfied that we have a good grasp on what the details are concerning the subject.

It is a book that I can highly recommend both for its readability and for the information and photos it contains.

Review book courtesy of , where you can order your copy of this and many other superb aviation and modeling books.


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