Start's U-Boot im Focus #11




visit Luftfahrtverlag-Start for up-to-date information


Scott Van Aken

Notes: 54 pages, 9 x 12 inches, softbound
ISBN: 978-3-941437-24-1

Edition #11 of U-Boot im Focus arrived in the post the other day and once again, it is an interesting edition full of quality photographs and stories, with one huge surprise, at least to me and the editors.

In line with most other editions, this one contains a number of smaller articles with a few of length. There are two particularly long and well researched articles. The first is on the U-438, the only known U-boat to be adorned with a shark mouth! You get a full history of this boat along with the photos that surfaced showing these unique markings.

The other is on the U-64 a boat that was sunk during the Narvik operations and was raised in 1957. This article not only includes the boat's history, but some remarkable photos of the raised boat taken by some German tourists who managed to gain access to it before it was towed away to be scrapped.

In amongst the mix are some more great conning tower markings and camouflage as well as other interesting stories that make U-boot im Focus such a great read. If you have an interest in these boats, then you should seriously consider a subscription.

March 2015

Review book courtesy of  Luftfahrtverlag-Start  where you can order your copy and get up to date information on costs.

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