
US Navy Aircraft Camouflage and Markings 1940-45


Thomas E Doll




$14.95 ($13.47 at Squadron)


Scott Van Aken

Notes: 64 pages, 8½ x 11 inches, softbound
ISBN: 1-89747-462-7

Over the last decade or so, the camouflage of US aircraft from WWII has received a lot of interest. What was once thought to be a fairly simple and constant camouflage agenda is actually more complicated than it initially seems.

While not quite as complex as US Army schemes of the time, Navy aircraft coloration and markings did go through several major changes during the war. These were generally a bit more logical than one would find in other services. However, you would always find the exceptions and the unusual when it came to the various markings and coloration.

The author of this book has produced what is a really good single reference for USN coloration and markings; starting with the pre-war 'yellow wing' period and continuing up to the overall sea blue scheme of the end of the war.

As is typical of Squadron books, this one relies a great deal on photographs and image captions rather than pages of written descriptions. There are eight pages of the usual excellent profiles and some color images on the back cover.

If you are seeking a single source to get you started on USN Camo schemes, then you could find no better book than this one.

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