
Walk Around: UH-1 Huey Gunships


Wayne Mutza


Squadron/Signal Publications


$15.98  ($13.47 at Squadron)


Scott Van Aken

Notes:  # 36 ISBN: 0-89747-479-1

Continuing on with the very popular 'Walk Around' series is this edition on UH-1 'Huey' gun ships. Almost as soon as the XH-40 was being put through its paces there were moves afoot on arming it. In the end, the UH-1 of varying subtypes was fitted with machine guns of all types, rocket pods and grenade launchers. There were even Hueys that carried the earliest TOW missiles and used them with great success in the closing stages of the Vietnam war.

As is typical of Squadron Walk Around books, this one is chock full of photos, about an equal number of color and black and white images.  There are also four pages of superb profiles that the modeler will find useful. Images are taken from a variety of sources and one thing for sure, they are well chosen and eminently interesting. Using mostly period images with a few from museum  aircraft, there is no part of the airframe that doesn't get the attention of the camera. By the time you finish with this book, you will know the difference between the different subtypes and will have learned a great deal about Hueys in general. What probably surprised me the most is that the era of the Huey gun ship isn't over as the Marines are updating their UH-1Ns to UH-1Y standard.

If you are looking for a bit more of the nuts and bolts on the aircraft than what is provided in the 'In Action' series, then this would be an excellent all round primer on the type.

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