
FJ Fury in Detail and Scale


Bert Kinzey




$14.95 ($13.47 at Squadron)


Scott Van Aken

Notes: 80 pages, 8½ x 11 inches, softbound
ISBN: 1-89747-461-9

Adding to the already huge body of works in the 'Detail and Scale' repertoire, this particular issue is on the Navy's F-86, the FJ Fury.

The book covers every version of the Fury from the straight winged FJ-1 to the totally different FJ-4. In fact, it is really about three different aircraft. Due to the usual political climate, there wasn't room in the budget for new planes, but modified versions could easily pass congressional budgetary panels. I'm often amazed at how seemingly stupid our legislators are when it comes to things like this. The FJ-2/3 was a very different plane from the FJ-1 and the FJ-4 was so heavily modified from the FJ-2/3 that there was almost no parts compatibility at all!

We start off with a general history and development of the various Fury variants followed by more specific information on the various subtypes. Each type is provided with three views and detail shots (mostly taken at the US Naval Aviation Museum). There are drawings taken from various tech manuals to help show specific details. Two pages of color profiles are provided. There is also a large color section in the middle of the book with period photographs of the different Furies. At the end of the book are four pages devoted to the more available kits of the Fury. Each shows a completed model and nearly all models were done by the same person. Missing from the modeling section is any mention of older out of production kits, though it must be said that perhaps this isn't so bad as some of those kits were real dogs.

All in all it is a great primer for the type and those who are really into the Fury or those who just want a good reference on the FJ Fury are encouraged to seek out this particular volume.

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