
F4F Wildcat In Action


Richard S. Dann


Squadron/Signal Publications


$9.95 ($8.46 at Squadron)


Scott Van Aken

Notes: # 191 in the series. ISBN 0-89747-469-4

Some of you are probably thinking that this isn't the first Wildcat in Action book that Squadron/Signal has done and you'd be correct. There was a previous book, #84, that was published many years ago. This one is more of an update with information and images that were not available or used since that earlier edition was brought out.

This one is much more in depth regarding the differences between the variants, the results of that additional research I mentioned earlier. In addition to the normal US made Wildcats, there is more material on the various versions used by the British as well as clear drawings that help differentiate between the myriad of differences between the various marks. It is a much more convoluted situation than most of us realize.

As usual, the book is mostly a photo essay and I'm pleased to note that only a very few images are repeats from what was in the earlier book. In addition to the great photos and excellent drawings are the usual superb profiles in the center of the book. Any modeler who cannot get inspiration from this book hasn't read it! It is one that I can highly recommend for the Wildcat fan out there.

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