Squadron/Signal B-29 Superfortress Combat Chronicles


Robert Hilton


Squadron/Signal Publications


$24.95 MSRP


Scott Van Aken

Notes:  ISBN 978-0-89747-638-672-124-9, #36002

This is the second of Squadron/Signal Publications' books with the Combat Chronicles title, and it is a big one with 120 page and over 100 illustrations. This one is a bit different from the earlier one on the Black Widow in that it focuses on the 40th BG/58th BW, something one realizes when one reads the subtitle in the opening page. Now apparently this unit was one of the first if not the first to take the aircraft into combat as we not only get the usual full development of the aircraft, but a history of taking the plane over to India where it first did ops, then up to China and finally to Tinian where the group finished the war.

What makes this book unique is that it is written by a man who was with the group all during its time in combat, so he is eminently qualified to provide us with a look at the places and personalities that one cannot get from authors who were not there. These sorts of points of view are becoming rarer and rarer as time goes on so adds a lot to the book. It covers many of their missions, including some very harrowing experiences, especially early in its use. Planes from this group were ones that the Soviets got their hands on and used to developed the Tu-4. At the time, the Soviet Union was not at war with Japan, so those crews who had to make forced landings in Vladivostok due to battle damage during some early raids were interned and their aircraft kept and used as pattern aircraft. We are provided the stories of these men as well as the usual mission stuff.

Since it focuses on only one group, there are not a ton of photos of the aircraft flown by these men. A lot of photos are before and after images of the various targets. Not surprising as the author was an aerial photographer. Interspersed with these images are photos of the various bases from which the group flew as well as some nice images of planes from other groups and some B-29 nose art images. There are also a few color photos included, which is a nice touch.

There is a section at the end on FiFi, the CAF's B-29 and its association with the survivors of the 40th BG. A list of members killed in action, missing, and POWs is also provided. If stories of missions is your forte, then this is very much a book you will want to have in your collection.

April 2012

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