
B-17 Flying Fortress in Action


David Doyle


Squadron/Signal Publications


$16.95 MSRP


Scott Van Aken

Notes: Aircraft # 219 ISBN: 978-0-89747-622-5

One of the iconic aircraft of World War II is the B-17 Flying Fortress. It is almost instantly recognizable by a sizeable percentage of the world's population and it can arguably be considered one of the top five pieces of war equipment used by the Allies in the second world war.

As such, much has been written about it, including two earlier 'In Action' volumes. However, this one is much different from those previous editions and the main reason is color. Author David Dolyle has searched out archives and collections, looking for color images of the B-17 and I have to say that he has done a superlative job of finding images with which to illustrate this edition.

Like all of the In Action series, we go from the inception of the aircraft, through the prototypes, to early unit operations, to full deployment and the final variants. All the while, showing the changes between versions and any specialty aircraft developed from the base airframe. In this latter case, it means sections on the XB-38 and on the YB-40. It also includes portions on the various equipment used in the B-17 by crew men and a section on maintaining the aircraft. Again, all of this is enhanced by the inclusion of color photos. There are also a few profiles, but not more than a handful and these are scattered throughout the book where appropriate. Add into this the artwork of Don Greer and it makes for what I think is the best In Action title of the year if not for several years.

It is a book that you will be going over again and again, not only just to browse, but to use for references for model building. It is a book that I can quite easily give my highest recommendation. Grab yours while the getting is good.

 November 2010

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