
Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey; Tiltrotor Tactical Transport


Bill Norton




$29.95 from Specialty Press


Scott Van Aken

Notes: ISBN 1-85780-165-2

Aerofax continues with more excellent books on interesting subjects and this one is an edition that I think many of you will enjoy. Many of us here in the US are aware of the problems that have surrounded the Osprey. Most of these are political as well as developmental. It seems that every time a unique weapons system is developed for the military, there is a lot of resistance to it. Military planners and politicians seem to forget that all breakthroughs in technology are not easy and there are delays and accidents while the systems get all the bugs worked out of them. Such has been the case with the V-22 Osprey.

The author starts out his book with a background history of tilt-rotor aviation. He then goes into the initial development of the V-22 before it was cancelled. Next is the rebirth of the Osprey and then into production and initial service use. There is a chapter on the future of the tiltrotor, followed by a rather detailed look at the airframe and systems of the Osprey. The final sections are on performance data and specs along with a super photo gallery.

The nice thing about a modern aircraft book is that the vast majority of the photos used within the 128 pages are in full color. I found the book to be a fascinating read and I'm sure that you will as well. This is a book that I highly recommend for those interested in the subject as well as those who want to have a bit of a better look into the development of a unique aircraft.

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