
Tu-95/142 In Action


Yefim Gordon


Polygon Press


$17.95 from Specialty Press


Scott Van Aken

Notes: ISBN 1-932525-00-9

This edition of the Russian Aircraft In Action series covers the Tu-95/-142 Bear bomber. This aircraft was designed in concert with the Myasishchev M-4 "Bison" to be part of the Soviet Union's airborne nuclear strike team. As with many other long-lived aircraft, it has been developed into a wide number of variants including anti-ship, submarine communications, missile relay platform and general surveillance versions. Many people do not realize that the Tu-95 and Tu-142 are actually different aircraft. The Tu-142 is basically a larger version of the Tu-95 with so many differences in airframe and equipment that it was decided to give it a different designation. Like the B-52, the Bear airframe is strong enough to continue in service for several decades to come.

In concert with other books in the series, this one starts off with three full pages of historical background which includes development, variants and operational history. It is then followed by over 70 pages of large photographs in both black & white and color of the different aircraft and variants. The photos are all very well done as are the captions, with one small glitch that I noticed. There is a photo of a F-4E Phantom escorting a Bear that is captioned as being off the US East Coast. Those of us with more knowledge of US units will immediately recognize the F-4 as being from the Iceland-based 57 FIS so this photo op was undoubtedly taken over the North Atlantic. Aside from that one example, the photo captions are well done. There is a single page of profiles (face it, they are all basically bare metal and insignia) and one of a three view.

If you are seeking a good primer on the 'Bear' or want a book to accompany your model project, then this is one that you should actively seek.

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