
Warbird Tech #10: Lockheed Blackbirds (revised)


Tony Landis & Dennis Jenkins


Specialty Press


$16.95 from Specialty Press


Scott Van Aken

Notes: 104 pages, approx 8½ x 11 inches, softbound
ISBN: 1-58007-086-8

What with the relatively recent retirement of the last of the Lockheed Blackbirds, it was time to update the previous edition with, as they say, "..the rest of the story". In the meantime, the older edition had some changes made to the images as additional photos and information became available.

The authors have basically told the full story of the entire Blackbird family. This includes the three major types; the A-12, YF-12A and SR-71. Surprisingly to most, the SR-71 is really only a small portion of the overall story as the original development of the aircraft was centered on the A-12 and the later YF-12A. It is all here, the original design proposals from various companies, the maturing of Lockheed's designs into the shapes that are now so familiar, and the general operational history of what has to be one of the most recognizable shapes in the modern world.

There is also the story of the D-21 drone. It includes operations with the SR-71, as well as the brief operational history with Tagboard, the program that launched them from specially modified B-52Hs. Interestingly, one of the 2 B-52Hs used is now the new NASA airborne launch vehicle, replacing the elderly NB-52B.

In addition to an excellent history, the fate of each of the airframes is provided as is a superb selection of color photographs from the aircraft's history. If you only have one book on the Blackbird family, this is the one you should get.

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