Specialty Press' Bandits over Baghdad


Warren E Thompson


Specialty Press


$24.95 from Specialty Press


Scott Van Aken

Notes: ISBN 978-1-58007-188-8, Softcover, 202 pages

I can recall being glued to the television in early 1991 as CNN reporters and camera crews were reporting live on the initial air attacks in Baghdad. These night attacks were the start of Desert Storm and what one could see via the cameras was the flash of explosions and the huge numbers of anti-aircraft tracers reaching into the night sky.

What we couldn't see and didn't know at the time, was that these attacks were precision events carried out by the 37th Tactical Fighter Wing's F-117 fighters. These missions were carried out against not only Iraq's command and control centers, but also against their air bases and radar sites so that conventional air operations could take place without worry of interception by the Iraqi Air Force.

In this book by Warren Thompson, we are provided personal stories of the men who were responsible for these missions. We hear about the history behind the F-117 and then go into the many missions that were flown during Desert Storm and the build up prior to it. These are stories straight from the men who flew the missions and while everything may seem very straight-forward, these missions were generally everything but. The F-117 flew at the limits of its endurance many times and so mission planning was paramount. Despite all this, the crews were successful, making Desert Storm a war that could arguably be considered a success only because of the F-117.

In addition to the stories, the book is chock full of photographs of the men and aircraft as well as the destruction they wrought. It is a fascinating look at an aspect of Desert Storm not often put to print and I book I know you will enjoy.

August 2011

Review book courtesy of , where you can order your copy of this and many other superb aviation and modeling books. Visit their website at the link above or call them at 1-800-895-4585

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