
Military Aircraft in Detail: Arado Ar-234A


J. Richard Smith




$29.95 from Specialty Press


Scott Van Aken

Notes: ISBN 1-85780-225-X, 96 pages, 150 photos, softbound

You are probably thinking "not another Luftwaffe book", but yes, and not only that, but it is a very specific and detailed look at the genesis of the world's first jet bomber, the Arado 234. Specifically, the A model aircraft that were used to develop this remarkable aircraft.

You can recognize the first versions as they did not have standard landing gear, but used a trolley to take off and skids when it came time to land.

Authored by J. Richard Smith, a renowned expert in things Luftwaffe, this book is crammed with photographs and a detailed history of the initial development of the Ar.234. This includes all of the flights of these eight experimental aircraft. Two of these were actually used in operational sorties with a great deal of success.

In addition to the history of the types, you'll find information on camouflage, close-up photos, detailed drawings, and some interesting appendices which include flight reports and the minutes of a conference held on the 234.

Overall, this is a fascinating book on one of the most interesting aircraft to have been developed. I found it a superb read and I know you will as well.

June 2006

Review book courtesy of , where you can order your copy of this and many other superb aviation and modeling books. Visit their website at the link above or call them at 1-800-895-4585

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