BOOK: Random Thoughts 30/5&6
BY: IPMS Canada
REVIEWER: Scott Van Aken - IPMS Canada #5729

The latest edition of Random Thoughts arrived on my doorstep and I was quite surprised to find that this issue was 48 pages, twice the norm. Then I noticed that this was a  'double' issue of Vol 30-5 and 30-6. Well no worries from me as the guys in HQ need to do what they have to do and by combining the two, we are treated to a superlative edition with three very well detailed and much photographed build articles.

The first is Glenn Cauley's build of the Revell 1/72 Type VIIc u-boat. As you can imagine, Glenn went all out on this one by adding a lot of scratch-built and aftermarket detail that doesn't come with the kit. The result is an excellent build.

Next the issue switches to the second part of Sid Arnold's build of the Tasca 1/35 'Luchs'. Again, a lot of additional work and effort put into this one and the results show it.

The final article is on building a two seat Spitfire. Norm Sheppard uses the Hasegawa 1/48 kit as well as a goodly number of resin bits and pieces to do this conversion.

All of the articles are accompanied by several pages of large, well done photographs, making this a very nice edtion.

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October 2008

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