Squadrons #11: The Mustang Mk.IV


Phil Listemann




Scott Van Aken

Notes: ISBN: 978-2918590-80-4, Available at www.raf-in-combat.com 44 Pages


For their next 'Squadrons' book, RAF-in-Combat continues with their look at the Mustang IV. This is what the USAAF called the P-51D and what one sees now days at air shows. What many may not realize is not only that the RAF used this type, but how short its time in service actually was. Most units did not get the plane until March of 1945, which basically left less than two months of operational use.

Not only that, but once the war was over, the RAF quickly dispensed of the type, often turning them to scrap as the USAAF had no real need for them. Some were on the way to the Far East, but were never in combat.

In this latest edition of Squadrons, RAF-in-Combat tells the complete story of the Mustang IV in squadron service in the Mediterranean theater, though it would be more accurate to say the Balkans as these squadrons were flying out of Italy on missons over Yugoslavia and Northern Italy for the most part.

These units had, for the most part, been flying P-40s, which though obsolescent, were still quite useful as there was very little air opposition in this part of the war. Ground fire was the biggest hazard. Some of these units had transitioned to the Mustang III and often flew both types for a period of time. Due to the needs of the USAAF, these units did not get the Mustang IV until very late in the war. Less than a handful of air to air victories were scored.

In order of the longest usage, their was 3 Sq RAAF, 5 Sq SAAF, and the following RAF squadrons; 112, 213, 93, 249, 250, 260 and a second RAAF squadron, 450. The aircraft were also sent to the Far East, but by the time they got there it was decided to keep using Thunderbolts. Only a few were uncrated and received SEAC roundels. None were assigned to units and even fewer were actually flown.

The book is divided by squadron and includes a number of excellent photos of the planes and pilots who flew it. The operations and successes of each unit is fully covered as well as those pilots and planes lost in the process. Add to it the superb full page color profiles that accompany the series and you have an excellent book on the subject.

November 2015

Copyright ModelingMadness.com

Review book courtesy of www.raf-in-combat.com. Visit them for other great titles. You can get this one at this link.

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