
Viet Cong Figher


Gordon Rottman, illustrated by Howard Gerrard


Osprey Publishing


$17.95 MSRP


Scott Van Aken

Notes: 64 pages, 7¼ x 9¼ inches, softcover

Most of you have heard of the Viet Cong or 'VC'. These people were the military arm of the National Liberation Front (NLF), the communist parts of the Republic of Vietnam. These people were insurgents; citizens of South Vietnam who did not want the US backed government to continue and worked as they could to overthrow this government. Pretty much like what is happening in Iraq today.

However, they could not have operated at all without the help of the North Vietnamese Army (NVA). In return for this assistance, when the NVA was operating south of the demilitarized zone, they relied on the VC to help them get around and to scout Free World positions. The VC also exerted the control of the NLF over the people of South Vietnam whenever they could. In many cases they were brutal about this control and the stories of butchery are legion (and often true).

In this book, author Gordon Rottman, who served in Vietnam as a military intelligence specialist, covers the organization, recruitment and training of members of the VC. He then goes into how they were dressed and the sorts of weapons and equipment they used. Then the conditions of service are covers as are the various beliefs and sense of belonging of the men and women who served.

There is then a lengthy section on their battle experience and the aftermath of the various events. Truth is that after the Tet Offensive of 1968, the VC were badly demoralized and were unable to put forth a concerted effort afterwards. Much of the later fighting was with the NVA. This section is followed by information on collections and museums where artifacts of the war can be found.

All of this is punctuated by superb photos and the excellent illustrations and maps of Howard Garrard. This all brings together a part of history that is still relatively fresh in the minds of hundreds of thousands of Americans and other peoples who participated. It also makes for a fascinating book that I am positive you will find as fine a read as did I.

May 2007

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