Shire's Vanished Armies


A E Haswell Miller




$35.95 MSRP


Scott Van Aken

Notes: 128 pages, hardcover, ISBN 978-0-74780-739-1

While many uniform aficionados will look at the Napoleonic era as the time of the most colorful military uniforms, this trait lasted until just before World War I. Thanks to the talents of the author (who was a young artist during those times), we now have a record of how these uniforms looked and what the differences in theme were.

A E Haswell Miller was travelling Europe during the late 1890s and early 1900s and his eye was caught by the many interesting and sometimes flamboyant military uniforms he saw. The grew fascinated by the subject and started to sketch and paint hundreds of different uniforms. This is because he realized that these were soon to be of a by-gone era as khaki and olive drab was starting to take over in the military services of European countries. Thanks to his diligence we have a superb look at these uniforms.

After an introduction to the subject, the book has plates and information on the uniforms of Great Britain, the German Empire, France, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Holland, Italy, Portugal, Russia, Spain and Sweden.  Each country has not only the superb color plates, but notes on the units and significance of them.

This is truly an outstanding work and is one that should be in the collection of enthusiasts of this particuilar time period. A real jewel of a book and one that I can easily recommend to you.

July 2010

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