
Napoleon's Polish Lancers of the Guard
Author/Artists: Ronald Pawley, illustrated by Patrice Courcelle


Osprey Publishing


$15.95 MSRP


Scott Van Aken

Notes: 48 pages, 7¼ x 9¼ inches, softcover
ISBN: 978-1-84603-256-1

Though one might wonder why a conquered country would be willing to provide troops to the man who overtook their land, it is a fact that one of the most loyal and unique units of Napoleon's army was the Polish Lancers. Freed from the Prussians by Napoleon in 1806, it was hoped that they would be able to regain their self rule and so a loyal group of troops was formed, mostly from the aristocracy of Poland. Outfitted with some of the most elaborate uniforms ever seen (and one of the reasons why models of these troops are so popular), the Polish Lancers proved themselves to be some of the fiercest and most loyal fighters amongst Napoleon's Army.

Their valor in the war against the Spanish brought their attention to Napoleon who transformed the unit into an elite Guards unit. Through all the campaigns against the enemies of Napoleon, the Polish Lancers never wavered in their loyalty, even when Bonaparte was in exile on Elba. They reformed in 1815 and took part in the charge at Waterloo, fierce and loyal to the end.

This book looks at the formation of the Polish Lancers and the various battles in which they participated. In addition, there is concentration on the uniforms and equipment worn by this elite unit. In line with other Men at Arms books, there are lavish illustrations of these unique and colorful modes of dress by illustrator Patrice Courcelle. Author Ronald Pawley spins a superb tale that gives the reader the feeling that he is participating in the events of the time. Accompanied by a superb selection of artifact photos and illustrations of the time, this is an excellent book on the subject and one that I know you will enjoy reading.

August 2007

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