Osprey's Wings of Courage


Tony Holmes


Osprey Publishing


$24.95 MSRP


Scott Van Aken

Notes: 336 pages, 7¼ x 9¼ inches, hardcover
ISBN: 978-1-84908-219-8

World War Two produced air combat in the likes of which we will never see again. In both the European and Pacific theaters, somewhere, there was a daily meeting of the air forces of the Allied and Axis forces. Initially, it was the Axis that came out of these combats to the better, but as the war progress, the sheer numbers of Allied air units available for combat was enough to turn the tide in the air. This was especially true from 1943 or so onward.

A lot has been written about this aspect of war and Osprey has decided to produce a compilation of four previous books into one volume. The 354th Fighter Group and their operation with the Mustang and the 332nd Fighter Group with the Tuskegee Airmen cover the European and Mediterranean Theathers. In the Pacific, the 475th Fighter Group with their P-38s and the 15th, 21st, and 506th Groups with their long range Mustangs are the focus.

The various authors cover the history of these units in combat as well as many of the exploits and combats of individual pilots. These 'I was there' stories are what make this book so interesting as we get drawn into the action via combat reports and later telling by the pilots themselves during various interviews.

In addition to a great read, the book includes a number of very nice period photos so we can see the men and the aircraft in which they flew. It all makes for a great read and it is nice to have all of this material in one place and at such a reasonable price. It is a book that I know you will enjoy reading.

July 2010

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