Osprey's The Battle Of Britain


Kate Moore




$29.95 MSRP


Scott Van Aken

Notes: 200 pages, Lanscape, hardbound, permanent place marker.  ISBN: 978-1-84603-474-9

To those who have read about and studied WWII avaiation, the Battle of Britian (some say it should be the Battle for Britain), is one onf the pinnacle campaigns of the European conflict. Like many military campaigns, it shows that sometimes, people just don't do what is right, but what seems to be the most grandiose. The Allies can be thankful that Herman Goering was on the German side as the Battle was probably one of his more blundering campaigns. Right when the Germans were about to bring the RAF to its knees by bombing their air fields and radar networks, he switches the campaign to that of terror bombing London, allowing the RAF to rebuild itself and eventually defeat the Luftwaffe in the air. You couldn't write that in a Hollywood movie script.

But I digress. This book is a look at the Battle of Britain using images from the archives of the Imperial War Museum. For those of us who have been around for a while, we will see many of our old favorites in print. In addition to excellent photographs, there is also period art work and posters. Osprey had gone with a landscape format on this one and it is the best way to view some of these quite large and evocative images. For newer readers, it is a super introduction to some of the finest photos taken during the Battle and the London Blitz.

Appropriately released in time for the 70th anniversary of the onslaught, the book provides not only the history of the BoB, but also an analysis of events from both sides of the conflict. In here you'll find the aircraft, the airmen, the commanders, and other personalities with the RAF and the Luftwaffe. It is a superbly written book that brings everything to life. It is a book that I can easily recommend to you as one that you'll be going to over and over again

June 2010

Available in bookstores and hobbystores, everywhere, through Osprey Direct (866 620 6941; info@ospreydirectUSA.com) or at http://www.ospreypublishing.com/.

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