Osprey's The Russian Civil War 1918-22


 David Bullock


Osprey Publishing


$18.95 MSRP


Scott Van Aken

Notes: 144 pages, 7¼ x 9¼ inches, softcover

Civil wars frequently result in a change of power and form of government. Sometimes they are for the better of the population and sometimes they are not. Frequently the results of the conflict have wide ranging consequences beyond a simple conflict between opposing parties. None has shaped the 20th century more than the Russian civil war.

For as long as WWI itself, opposing forces in Russia battled each other across the landscape of the world's largest country. On one side were the Bolsheviks who had their allies and on the other side were those who opposed them, backed with the somewhat half hearted aid of many European nations as well as the Japanese and United States. Most of us know who won out on that conflict and at a cost of millions of lives during the war and tens of millions after as the various dictators of the nation moved to hold onto the power so dearly won.

It is a conflict that can easily be confusing for those who have not really looked into it. Thanks to author David Bullock, we now have a much more clear idea of the chain of events and efforts of the participants. This is something that could not have been done several years ago for the Russians were still only providing one side of the story. Thanks to greater openness in Russian society and a desire to tell the full story of this dark time, we now have a more complete picture of this tumultuous event.  

Superbly illustrated by rare period photographs as well as the work of artists of the time and some excellent maps, the full unfolding of events has been made much more clear. This is a superb book on the subject and one that I know you will enjoy. Highly recommended.

January 2009

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