Osprey's Philippi 42 BC: The Death of the Roman Republic


Si Sheppard, illustrated by Steve Noon


Osprey Publishing


$19.95 MSRP


Scott Van Aken

Notes: 96 pages, 7¼ x 9¼ inches, softcover
ISBN: 978-1-84603-265-3

One of the pivotal battles of antiquity were those in and around Philippi in Macedonia. It was here that the armies of Marcus Brutus and Mark Anthony fought. It would be an understatement to say that politics in Rome at this time were complex. There was much skull-duggery in the background as the main players did what they could to amplify their powers and undermine those of others. In many cases, these being people with whom they were allegedly allied.

There were several battles fought around Philippi and these are painstakingly analyzed by author Si Sheppard. Sheppard's main interest is in this time period and his expertise helps to try to unravel what to many is a twisted history. As many of you know, the forces of Brutus were eventually defeated by Anthony and Octavian, causing Brutus to commit suicide and thereby ending the Republican cause.

As is the norm for a book in the Campaign series, this one starts with a preamble of events leading up to the battle, a look at the commanders of both sides and the men under their command. Then there is an inspection of the plans of both sides. The 'meat' of the volume is next with the various stages of the battles. Finally, introspection on how the battles went, what was learned, and how it affected future events. There is also a look at the battlefield today using a lot of photos. All of this is superbly illustrated using artwork from the ages and, believe it or not, coins to show the people involved. Then there are the superb illustrations and artwork of Steve Noon to add some color to things.

I have to say that this is really an excellent book on this pivotal series of events. One that shaped this section of the world for a very long time to come. A book I know you will enjoy reading.

September 2008

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