Osprey's Samurai Armies: 1467-1649


Stephen Turnbull


Osprey Publishing


$25.95 MSRP


Scott Van Aken

Notes: 96 pages, 7¼ x 9¼ inches, softcover

In Japan, there was a period of time of almost constant warfare between the various aristocracy of the country. This starts with the outbreak of the Onin War in 1467 and continues almost unabated until the unity of Japan under the Tokugawa Shogunate in the 17th century. Throughout this time, the daimyo were constantly struggling between each other to establish ascendency and influence of their families through both political and military means. Such was the fighting and subterfuge of the time that in Japan today, entertainment based on this period is quite popular amongst the population. As we have 'soap operas' in the US, so in Japan are similar enactments, but based on the times of the samurai armies.

As part of Osprey's Battle Order series, this is not so much a look at the men, but at the armies themselves. How they were established, how they were brought together, how they were controlled and how they were trained. The book goes into considerable detail on how these units operated during campaign in terms of unit formations and the weapons that they used. All during this period there was considerable European influence in terms of the weaponry that was adapted for local use.

A major section covers strategic engagement and battlefield movement, followed by several examples of how these units operated in various battles. The book is further enhanced by some superlative maps and charts as well as a look at some of the men via current statuary and also from exceptional period artwork. Author Turnbull is a well respected researcher in this area and samurai's are his main field of study.

For those of us wanting to know more about a society and the battles fought in the Far East, an area not studied much by Westerners, this is a superb book for just that. A fascinating read and something different that I'm sure you will enjoy.

January 2009

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