Osprey's The Roman Army: the Civil Wars 88-31 BC


Nic Fields


Osprey Publishing


$25.95 MSRP


Scott Van Aken

Notes: 96 pages, 7¼ x 9¼ inches, softcover

Mighty though the Roman Empire might have been, they had their share of strife. In fact, one might well say that the history of Rome is one of battles against someone some where. They even fought amongst themselves for power and control, with the period of 88-31BC being particularly noteworthy. Many of the battles in this period are well known as this was the time of Pompey, Julius Caeser, Mark Anthony and Octavius. Though often fancified in films and television, those portrayals do have their basis is fact. Even more, this period of time was well captured by the various historians and writers of the time.

However, this is one of Osprey's Battle Orders editions and looks more at how the Roman Army was organized and equipped as anything else. Sections cover how they were established, how they were brought together, how they were controlled and how they were trained. The book goes into considerable detail on how these units operated during campaign in terms of unit formations and the weapons that they used.

A major section covers strategic engagement and battlefield movement, followed by several examples of how these units operated in various battles. The book is further enhanced by some superlative maps and charts as well as a look at some of the men and equipment via surviving artifacts, statuary and carvings. We also get a look at some of the more famous battle areas using photos of how they look today. It is surprising that remnants of the past are still plainly visible in terms of the earthworks these armies constructed.

It all makes for a most interesting read that both historians and wargamers will find quite useful. Something different that I'm sure you will enjoy.

January 2009

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