
B-52 Stratofortress Units in Operation Desert Storm


John Lake


Osprey/MBI Publishing


$19.95 MSRP


Scott Van Aken

Notes: 96 pages, 7¼ x 9¼ inches, softbound
ISBN: 1-84176-751-4

Volume 50 in Osprey's 'Combat Aircraft' series covers operations of the B-52 Stratofortress during Operation Desert Storm. Written by renowned author John Lake, this book covers the build-up and the missions flown by B-52s during the brief Gulf War 1, or Desert Storm.

What I found surprising was that only the B-52Gs took part in the operation. The war was concluded so quickly that those units flying the B-52H did not have time to participate. Operating from bases in Spain, the UK, Saudi Arabia, and the Indian Ocean Island of Diego Garcia, some 66 or so B-52Gs, over half of the available airframes, took part in missions. The opening missions flew from bases in the US to launch their ACLMs during the 'Secret Squirrel' missions. The main reason for the use of B-52Gs is that most were configured for general bombing, while most H models were still set up for the nuclear mission.

John Lake's superb writing ability keeps your interest as the pages seemingly fly by. You get a real sense of having participated as there are plenty of crew stories to give one a taste of what it was like to fly these long missions.

In line with other books of this series, there are several pages of profiles as well as a very nice set of montage pages with nose and tail artwork. The appendices include a listing of airframes, units sorties and flying hours during the war; a list of units and the aircraft attached; Aircraft names and nose art; Secret Squirrel aircraft and crews; and notes on the aircraft in profile. There is also a very well done three view of a B-52G. In addition, the book is full of excellent photographs, both in color and in black and white that help to tell the story of these aircraft and their crews. It is a book that I think all will enjoy and it should be on the shelves of any enthusiast of modern warfare.

 Available in bookstores everywhere, through Classic Motorbooks at (800) 826-6600 or at www.motorbooks.com. For more on the complete line of Osprey books, visit www.ospreypublishing.com or contact them at Osprey Direct, PO Box 140, Wellingborough, Northants, NN8 2FA, UK

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