
Bristol F2 fighter aces of WWI
Author/Artists: John Guttman


Osprey Publishing


$20.95 MSRP


Scott Van Aken

Notes: 96 pages,  7¼ x 9¼ inches, softcover
ISBN: 978-1-84603-201-1

Probably the finest British fighter of the first world war was the two seat Bristol F2A and F2B. It was an aircraft that had plenty of power, maneuvered well, was fast and had the benefit of a guy in back to help keep enemy planes off its tail. One doesn't really consider a two seat fighter as being one that would win a lot of air combats, but all of the parts just fit well and allowed this plane to become not only easy to fly, but one that was able to best many of Germany's finest. It was also an aircraft that was operated by the RAF both at home and overseas throughout the 1920s.

In line with other books in this series, the author takes us through the development of the aircraft and its initial deployment, where it was not exactly a huge success. This is as much due to the unit operating it as a recce bird instead of using it as a fighter. Once the tactics on using the aircraft were changed, it switched from being the foe to the hunter. The book covers all the units operating the type in the order that they received the aircraft, starting with 48 Squadron, whose initial introduction to the type was so disastrous. They are the unit that eventually developed the proper tactics for operating the type and passed that on to the other units who eventually operated the type.

In addition to its use in the Western Front, the F2B was also operated in small numbers on the Italian Front and also in the Near East in Palestine during the last year of the war.

The book includes superb period photos of the crews and aircraft (for the rear gunner was probably responsible for the majority of kills). In addition there are ten pages of profiles and upper/lower drawings. An appendix at the back lists all those who were credited with victories in the F2B.

It is a superb book on the subject and one that I can recommend to you without reservation.

September 2007

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