
PZL P.11c


Bartlomiej Belcarz & Tomasz Kopanski


Mushroom Models Publications




Scott Van Aken

Notes: #6108   ISBN 83-917178-5-0

Coming rather closely on the heels of their fine A5M Claude book is this new volume on the PZL P.11c. As with other Mushroom Models Publications books, this one has its basis in Poland, which has rapidly become a real hot-bed of aviation publishing in the last ten years. I would dare to say that this is probably the best they have done so far. The level of research into it is really first rate. Thanks to the ability to gain access to archives that were so long unavailable, a real picture of the operational history of this sleek 30's fighter is now available.

As with nearly every other book in the series, there is an excellent section on development of the aircraft. This is followed by a piece on pre-war operations. The section on wartime operations is different from others in the series. In this portion, each flight operating the P.11 has its own section with the story of its short war history and those pilots who were successful against the Luftwaffe.

The usual section on close-ups of the actual aircraft is enhanced a great deal by having full access to the only surviving P.11c, an aircraft that has been restored to fully flyable condition, though it will probably never be taken to the skies. It is a bit ironic that this aircraft survived only because it was on display at the Aviation Museum in Berlin during the war and survived the Allied bombing.

The final section is the usual excellent artwork we have come to expect from Mushroom Models Publications. While there are the usual profiles, there is also a three view of a representative aircraft from each of the individual flights that operated the type.

Frankly, I wish I'd have had this book when I was building the Mirage P.11c as it would have been a truly outstanding resource. I know I sound like a broken record when it comes to MMP books, but the truth is that they are all excellent and this is the best of the lot so far.

Review book courtesy of Mushroom Models Publications. Visit them at their website for information on this and other books.

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