
Fiat CR.42 Falco


Prezmyslaw Skulski


Mushroom Model Publications




Scott Van Aken

Notes: # 8104, ISBN: 978-83-89450-34-0

This latest book from Mushroom Models Publications/Stratus is on the Fiat CR.42 Falco, an aircraft that many consider to be the last biplane fighter. Developed at a time when all other nations were going over to the monoplane, the CR.42 was a bit of an anachronism, but considering how the Italians used it, things seemed to have worked out well for them.

Basically, the aircraft was used in those theaters of operation where the opposition wasn't at its strongest. In areas like North Africa early in the conflict, East Africa, the Balkans and even southern France, the CR.42 performed well and many pilots were quite successful. However, when put up against stronger defenses, such as later in North Africa or against the British during the Battle of Britain, the weaknesses in its design were painfully obvious.

The author covers all of the areas of combat where the CR.42 was involved as well as its three major export users; Belgium, Hungary and Sweden. Interestingly enough, the largest overseas operator of the type was Sweden, which took over the  large Finnish order after the Winter War. Both the Hungarians and Belgians had some small amount of success with the aircraft, but not what they'd hoped. Even after the Italian Armistice, the CR.42 was built for the Luftwaffe to use as night attack aircraft.

As in common with all Mushroom Models Publications books, this one has more than just a fine history of the type. There are several extant CR.42s in European museums and one being rebuilt in the UK. This offers an excellent opportunity for some quality color images of these planes for a close-up section that is second to none. This is further enhanced by nearly 20 pages of superb color profiles. The book also includes a set of 1/72 and 1/48 scale plans, the large plans are an insert.

OK, now you know how great a book this is. A delight for both aviation enthusiast and modeler alike.

March 2007

Many thanks to Mushroom Model Publications for providing the review copy. Your support is appreciated.

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