
Luftwaffe im Focus  #8






visit Luftfahrtverlag-Start for up-to-date information


Scott Van Aken

Notes: 48 pages, 9 x 12 inches, softbound
ISBN: 3-9808468-8-1

Issue #8 of Luftwaffe im Focus is now available. This issue continues their track record of coming up with interesting photos and stories that you just won't find anywhere else.

In this issue are photos and stories on fighters, dive bombers, standard bombers, transports, and recce aircraft. You'll also find personal markings, tails, and some never before published color images.

In depth stories are on an LG 2 Bf-110, KG 54 He-111H, and the markings of weather reconnaissance squadron Wekusta 1.

There is also a fascinating article on the late war 'V' wing marking used in Hungary during the last part of the war.

This and much more awaits the reader in this most recent edition.

November 2005

Review book courtesy of  Luftfahrtverlag-Start  where you can order your copy and get up to date information on costs. American readers can get it at www.squadron.com

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