Jagdwaffe, Vol 1,
section 4 |
BY: |
Eric Mombeek with J. Richard Smith and Eddie J Creek |
Publications, 2000 $19.95 |
Classic Publications has now brought out the
fourth volume in their 'Jagdwaffe' series. This one will probably complete
volume 1 as it appears from the other titles to come that there will be four
volumes, each with four sections. This latest one is in the same format as the
previous three. It is hard card covers in large (near A4) format, with a number
of profiles of various aircraft pictured in the book.
As with other issues, there are not only a number of superb images, most of which I haven't seen before, but there are also close up drawings of the various unit badges. Also like previous issues, there are stories of events of the time by pilots who participated in them.
Probably the biggest draw for most readers, as it is for me, are the profile drawings. They are up to the usual high standards of the illustrators and will be quite useful for modelers. I again wish that they would do overhead illustrations for some schemes as well, but do understand that they'd rather not do so as often these types of images are as much guess work as fact.
One thing you will notice when going through this edition are the sameness of the profiles. Unfortunately, there wasn't much in the way of interesting or colorful camouflage schemes at this time. All fighters were Bf-109E-1/3 and they were all in RLM 71/02 uppers with RLM 65 lower surfaces. The only deviation are a few that are mottled. For those of you who like your 109Es to be 'clean', then these are the schemes for you!!
I am sure that in a few months, Aeromaster will be bringing out a couple of decal sheets for this book. It will be interesting to see which aircraft they choose to do. Perhaps there will be some not profiled in the book.
If I give the impression that this edition is not worthwhile, that is not so. The events of the time are quite interesting and include the invasion of Norway, Belgium, Netherlands and France. At this time the Luftwaffe was spread pretty thin, and it was only due to the superiority of their equipment that they did so well. It was when meeting the Spitfire over the beaches of Dunkirk that the Germans finally met an aircraft that was superior to the 109E.
If you like the Luftwaffe in general and the Bf-109 in particular, then you will be more than pleased with this issue.
Review copy courtesy of me and my credit card!
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