
Republic P-47 Thunderbolt, vol 1


Tomasz Szlagor & Krzysztof Janowicz




$24.95 ($22.46 at Squadron)


Scott Van Aken

Notes: Monographs # 17. ISBN 83-89088-67-3


Adding to the ever-growing Monograph series is this edition on the P-47 Thunderbolt. This first volume covers the operation and development of the Thunderbolt from its inception until around the end of 1943. The developmental portion of the book seems to stop around the P-47D-23 time period which would make this very much a book on what many post-war enthusiasts would call the 'razorback' P-47D.

Not surprisingly, much of the narrative in regards to the combat history of the aircraft is centered around the 56 FG, the first European unit to fly the plane and the only group to keep the P-47 for the entire war. Other units are mentioned, but since they were only recently formed by the time this volume ends, not much is provided on their operational history. Surely that will change with the next volume.

Kagero books are well known for their excellent drawings and this one is no different with many 1/48 scale drawings of the various razorback variants from the P-47B to the last P-47D-23 version. Included are variant differences done in 1/72. This section goes all the way up to the P-47D-40. Only the P-47N is not shown, apparently being left for the next edition. There are several pages of excellent and large color profiles as well as two pages of period color photos.

Decals are part of the norm for Kagero books and this one's sheet covers three 56 FG aircraft. Bud Mahurin, Robert Johnson, and Loren McCollum are the pilots of the planes on the sheet. Markings are in both 1/72 and 1/48 with extra serial numbers provided. As usual, they are well done by Techmod and insignia will have to be supplied from another source.

June 2005

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