
Junkers Ju-88 Volume 2


Krzysztof Janowicz




$24.95 ($22.46 at Squadron)


Scott Van Aken

Notes: Monographs # 14. ISBN 83-89088-59-2

Kagero's series of famous aircraft continues with this second volume on the Ju-88. As the first volume was a development history along with all the different variants produced, this one presents the operational history of the type.

As with many of the Luftwaffe's types with which it entered the war, the Ju-88 was operational in all theaters until the very end of the war. There are hundreds of photos, some in color, as well as color profiles in and on the covers and in a large centerfold.

There are also scale drawings in 1/72 scale covering the Ju-88A, D, P, H, S, and T versions along with sub-drawings showing the differences in the variants. A large pull out set of plans for the A-4 version in 1/48 is also given.

As is now typical with Kagero books, a decal sheet is provided by Techmod that gives markings for four aircraft in 1/72 and 1/48 scale along with a single set of insignia (minus swastikas) in those scales. These decals match some of the profiles provided in the book.

What is not in this book are the night fighter and destroyer versions of the Ju-88 nor the later Ju-188s or 388s. I'll have to assume that these will come in a later volume.

Frankly the author has done a credible job of covering this widely used aircraft in these two volumes and for those wanting a good reference on the type, then this book is well recommended.

May 2005

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