
A-10 Thunderbolt II


Tom Zmuda




$14.95 ($13.46 at Squadron)


Scott Van Aken

Notes: #11012. ISBN 83-89088-82-7

The Fairchild A-10 was the choice of the US Air Force to replace the A-7 for ground attack duties. The USAF never really liked the A-7 as it was yet another Navy aircraft. While it was quite capable, it wasn't designed specifically for USAF requirements. With the A-10, they got everything they wanted in terms of heavy firepower and survivability. Slated to be withdrawn from service in 1991 as part of a cost cutting measure, it was given a new lease on life thanks to the first Gulf War. Rethinking their decision, it has stayed in the inventory and has remained a valuable asset in the intervening years.

This is yet another of Kagero's 'walk around' books and concentrates on the A-10 Warthog (no one other than press releases calls it the Thunderbolt II). The book starts out with overall photos of various aircraft then gets into the close-up mode with images from an A-10 of the 103 FS, Pennsylvania ANG, and one that is in a museum. Most of the areas of the aircraft are well covered, though they do miss the LASTE modifications used on a number of regular USAF planes.

Unlike some of the previous editions, this one is in full color from cover to cover. It also provides a nice freebie in terms of a decal sheet (in 1/72, 1/48 and 1/32 scale) for an A-10 from the 172 FS, which was hit by a missile over Baghdad in April of 2003. A set of full color three views for this aircraft are shown on the back cover.

Overall, an excellent volume and one that I can most highly recommend to those of you who like to see the detail bits of various aircraft.

October 2005

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