Kagero's B-25J Mitchell in combat over Europe (Med)


Marek Katarzynski




15.67 Euros


Scott Van Aken

Notes: 84 pages, softbound, 8 x 11 inches,
ISBN: 978-83-62878-65-9

Adding to their very nice SMI Library series is this one on the B-25J in the Mediterranean. This book basically concentrates on four different bomb groups that were assigned to the 12th Air Force. Three of them, the 231st, 310th and 340th Bomb Groups were part of the 57th Bomb Wing. The other, the 319th Bomb Wing, was with the 43rd Bomb Wing.

All of these units were operating out of Corsica during the B-25J time period and some later moved to Italy in the last month or so of the war. Those who are familiar with the book 'Catch 22' will recognize that these are probably he units that were portrayed in that book and movie.

The 319th was the shortest lived with the B-25J having converted from the B-26 and after only a month or so, was sent to the US to convert to the A-26 and later sent to the Pacific. Their aircraft were generally overall unpainted metal. The aircraft of the 57th Bomb Wing were mostly delivered unpainted, but were quickly provided a coat of olive drab on the upper surfaces to help camouflage the planes. Most of the Mitchells with this unit also had the 'cheek' gun packs removed as they were not primarily strafers. The 319th BG usually kept theirs in place.

Now like other books in this series, this one is specifically a photo book. There is a brief history in the beginning and some information on each bomb group's planes in terms of camouflage and codes before each one of the four main sections (each concentrating on a specific bomb group). We get a ton of great photos in this one and there are quite a few nose art images as well. A real treat is that there are quite a few period color photos included.

In line with most other Kagero books in this series is a very large decal sheet that contains the unique markings for three of the aircraft from the book. These are featured in full color four views that include close ups of the nose markings. There are actually four planes featured in the four views, but only three of them have decals. These markings are in the three major scales of 1/32, 1/48 and 1/72. Fortunately for modelers, there are quality kits available in each of these scales.

Aircraft on the sheet are two planes from the 321st BG and one from the 340 BG. One of the 321 BG options provides earlier tail markings. All three decal options are olive drab over unpainted metal and without the side gun packs.

In all, it is not only a great reference but also an inspiration to give some of the decals a try.

 July 2013

Review book courtesy of the fine folks at Kagero. Visit them for more books.

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