
Gun Camera: Pacific


L. Douglas Keeney


MBI Publishing


$24.95 MSRP


Scott Van Aken

Notes: 132 pages 10 x 10 inches, softbound
ISBN: 0-7603-1758-5

If you have been around as long as I, you grew up seeing some pretty incredible combat photographs in various books about World War II. I know that there are many that stick in my mind and are instantly recognizable. The author of this book has taken some of the best and some of those that have not been seen before and combined them into this superb photo book.

What sets this book apart from others of its like is that the images are large, clear and superbly reprinted. Thankfully there are none crossing 'the ditch', which is the center divide of the book and so you see everything in the photo.

Of course, not all of it is actual Gun Camera footage; in fact, little actually is, but that does not diminish the impact of these images. The author has a short introduction to the book and to each of the sections such as Island Hopping, Strategic Bombing and The Japanese Offensive, as well as some explanations of time and place for each of the photos. The intro to the book is a bit over the top in use of adjectives for my tastes, but it may have been due to a requirement to provide a rather lengthy write-up.

It's the images that are the real draw and whether you have seen some of these pictures a thousand times or you are new to the War in the Pacific, this book presents these images better than any I've seen before.

Available in bookstores everywhere, through Classic Motorbooks at (800) 826-6600 or at www.motorbooks.com.

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