
Dataview#1 F-18 Hornet in US Service


Chris Reed


Chris Reed


$8.00 direct


Scott Van Aken

Notes: CD-ROM

Over the past few years, E-books have started to gain a foot-hold with the public. Now I've not much use for trying to read 'War and Peace' on my computer, but if they are on subjects that pertain to modeling and have lots of pictures in them as well, that is a different story.

This is the first one in the 'Datafile' series and is on the F-18 Hornet in US Service. The e-book is in Adobe format and if you don't have the program, it can be downloaded for free from Adobe. The CD will not work on Windows 95 or older systems. Basically it is divided into an introduction on the development of the aircraft, then each of the major versions, a section on ordnance and finally a rather extensive bibliography.

Each of the sections is accompanied by a goodly number of photographs. The sources of these photos are USN, Chris Reed and Paul Hart. They provide overall images of the aircraft plus a selection of close-ups that were taken at air shows and other places. The USN photos are excellent; nice and crisp and clear. The others are a bit less so, for some reason. Not enough to distract from the presentation, but noticeable. Not sure why this is the case. Images are something that I key on all the time as I deal with them every day so perhaps I'm hypersensitive about them. I've also done my fair share of aircraft photography over the last 20 years or so, and know what it is like to be in the trenches.

Nonetheless, it is a very good first start, offers good information on the different subtypes, weapons systems and operational use of the aircraft. What would be helpful, would be a selection of three-view drawings to help with telling the differences between the subtypes. Though there is a listing of what Hornet squadrons are aboard which ships, it would be really nice to have a chart that has each fleet squadron, when it was formed, what cruises it has made with which variants and what its current status is. Yeah, a lot to ask for what is a very reasonably priced product. Frankly, at only $8.00, it is hard to find a better bargain anywhere else. That is less than the cost of most decal sheets! If you have an interest in the type or just want an interesting addition to your reference library, then you should seriously consider this CD.

Review CD courtesy of Chris Reed. Order yours direct

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