
F-15I  Ra'am


Ra'anan Weiss


Isradecal Publications




Scott Van Aken

Notes: ISBN 965-7220-04-1

Here is the latest in IsraDecal Publications superb books on current IAF aircraft types. This one is on the F-15I Ra'am (Thunder), a variant of the F-15E that combines the US airframe and engine with Israeli avionics systems and weapons. Due to the high cost of modern fighters, it was not possible to buy enough to equip more than one squadron so after some internal 'discussions', it was decided to award The Hammers Squadron, an ex F-4E Kurnass unit, the honor of operating the type.

The result was that it was less than a year after deliveries started that the squadron became operational on the type in January 1999. Of course, it doesn't hurt that the IAF also operates standard F-15s, making the availability of trainers and spares that much easier. Since then, The Hammers have been involved in missions that show the capabilities of the Ra'am and it has performed up to expectations.

This book follows the same general format as their other publications. There is a short history of the type and a description of its capabilities, weapons and camouflage. Since it has been in service only about 7 years, there is not as much to tell as there would be were this a book on the Kurnass. That is made up by an incredible number of photographs of overall aircraft and a myriad of detail photos. It is obvious that the author was given pretty much full access to an airframe as I don't see that anything was missed!

All of the different unit tail markings over the years are fully catalogued and there are also some well drawn profiles to add to things. The bottom line is that this is the finest publication yet available on the type and a supberb companion to Isradecals # 49 and their upcoming resin detail set. A MUST for enthusiasts of the IAF and for any modeler who wants to accurately portray the type in plastic.

February 2006

Review book courtesy of

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