
F-15I  Ra'am


Ra'anan Weiss & Alon Koren


Isradecal Publications




Scott Van Aken

Notes: ISBN 965-7220-06-8, 130 pages, hardbound

Here is the latest in IsraDecal Publications superb books on current IAF aircraft types. This one is on the F-15 Baz (Falcon).  In line with other IsraDecal publications, it covers the complete history of the aircraft in IAF service from the initial team sent over to the US to evaluate the possible purchase of modern fighters until its current status.

The authors have divided the book into five distinct sections: Introduction, Knights of the Twin Tail squadron, Spearhead squadron, Kill boards, and Walk Around.

The introductory section covers the purchase and initial training with the F-15. This includes it mission, external differences between Israeli and US F-15s, armament and various weapon load-outs.

Next is the aircraft's service with the Knights of the Twin Tails squadron. This includes its war record during the 1980s war over Lebanon and its successes against Syrian aircraft, which were many. There are the usual 'I was there' stories that we all like to read.

The Spearhead squadron is next and these folks were provided with F-15C/D aircraft and formed several years after the first F-15A/B unit. This particular squadron performed the 1985 attacks on the PLO headquarters in Tunis and here you will find the first photos I've ever seen of this operation. The planes had all the unit markings, insignia, and other identifying markings covered with a brownish colored water-based paint for this operation, though oddly, the kill markings were left intact!

The small fourth section is on kill markings by aircraft and with the date and crew listed.

Finally, a superb walkaround section with both cockpits, various pods, weapons and other parts of the airframe covered with superb photographs.

In fact, the book is as much a photo book as it is a history of the aircraft as there are literally hundreds of quality images throughout the entire publication. Most are superbly reproduced in full color, making for a most complete reference for the modeler and the best you'll find on the subject anywhere.

It is a book that I can most highly recommend to those whose interest lies in the IAF, the F-15 or modern combat aircraft.

August 2006

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