
Modeler's Closeup #9: HH-60J and MH-60S


Chris Reed


Dataview Publishing


$9.99 direct at www.dataviewbooks.com


Scott Van Aken

Notes: CD-ROM

Next in the Modeler's Closeup series is this on on a couple of very similar helicopters, the HH-60J Jayhawk as used by the Coast Guard and the MH-60S as operated by the US Navy.

The images on the CD fill the page and are superbly crisp and clear. The vast majority of images were taken at an air show so as one might expect from show images, there is some limitation as to what on the airframe is shown. However, since these are helicopters, there are nice cockpit images as I've found that helo folks don't mind showing what's there.  It's images as one sees in this CD that make these such superb references for the modeler. Thought I can't think of any specific kits for these variants, there are superb base SH-60/UH-60 kits that can easily be modified especially with the information provided in this publication.

Overall, it is an excellent value for the money, especially if you get the download version. The images are superb and a real boon to modelers wanting that little bit extra detail.

You can get a downloadable PdF copy for $3.99. A hard copy will be available later.

November  2006

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