
American Combat Aircraft: A history in patents


Chris Reed


Dataview Publishing


$9.99 direct at www.dataviewbooks.com


Scott Van Aken

Notes: CD-ROM

Continuing with their series of patent books/cds, Dataview has come up with on on American Combat aircraft. Designs from the mid 1930s until the mid 1990s are in here, organized by aircraft manufacturer.

I found several interesting 'what if' designs and also found it interesting that some aircraft were not patented until they were near obsolete, such as the P-40E patented in 1943.

There are also a number of aircraft that I did not find in the book, mostly somewhat modern types like the A-4, A-7, F-4, F-15, F-16 and F-18. I can only assume that they have not been patented or that their patents are cloaked in secrecy for some reason.

Regardless, it is a fascinating look at some of the more interesting US combat types. While not all-inclusive, is very much worth the price as it is 230 pages in length. A most worthy addition to your aircraft library.

You can get a downloadable PdF copy as well. A hard copy will be available later.

November  2006

Order yours direct from www.dataviewbooks.com

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