
Modeler's Closeup #4: E-2C Hawkeye


Chris Reed


Dataview Publishing


$16.32 direct at www.dataviewbooks.com


Scott Van Aken

Notes: Spiral bound, full color.

This is the fourth Modeler's Close-up book from Dataview Publishing and it is on the E-2C Hawkeye. This book is similar to the one on the previous books in the series in that it relies on official USN Photos for the overall images and a static plane from a unit visit or air show for all the close-up images.

The close-up shots are done as one image per page, providing more than enough detail. Modelers will find this to be an outstanding reference as it gets into the nitty gritty of the various parts of the aircraft as few books can. The USN shots are well chosen for not only the detail they show, but to give an idea of how these planes are used. A brief history and rundown of the variants is at the beginning of the book, and a camouflage scheme taken right out of MIL-STD-2161A (AS) is also provided. Since the book is spiral bound it makes it easy to have handy when using it as a modeling reference.

This is a real boon to modelers and it seems that each book in the series just gets better and better. For those who'd like one on a CD, that is also available for $9.99. You can also download a PdF version for $3.99 from the link below. It seems as if Dataview has all the bases covered on this one!

Whichever format you choose, you'll have an excellent modeling reference.

March 2006

Review book courtesy of Dataview. Order yours direct at http://www.lulu.com/dataview

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