
Speculative Warplane Designs


Chris Reed


Dataview Publishing


$9.95 for the CD/ 16.95 for a softcover book


Scott Van Aken

Notes: CD-ROM or softcover book

One thing about Dataview is that they offer an eclectic range of products. This one fits right in with that mold. This one is the CD version and is provided in .pdf format. There are 198 pages of some of the most interesting and unusual designs, most of which I've never seen. It appears that these are straight from the files of the US patent office and include designs from the 30s as well as stuff that is pretty modern.

Every major airframe manufacturer is represented and I've provided a couple of samples to show that it wasn't just the Germans that did some outlandish and unusual designs!

Whichever format you decide to use, this is a book that will stir your imagination. Not only that, it isn't going to cost an arm and a leg for you to have a copy. It is one that I highly recommend not only for historical purposes, but because it is just fun to read.

Review CD courtesy of Dataview. Order yours direct from the hyperlink above.

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