Aero Research's Warbirds Collection #5


Jay Sherlock


Aero Research Co - to order yours


$12.95  plus S&H


Scott Van Aken

Notes: CD-ROM, Catalogue # 3008

If you like warbirds, then this is a CD for you. Apparently warbirds are a real favorite as this is the fifth volume of images. Any why not as they can come in a variety of schemes from the super fancy to just having the markings blacked out and the new N number in tape. There are 162 images covering over 50 types in 336 megabytes of your favorites from A-4L to Yak-3M and everything in between. This includes FAA and NASA planes as well as a few racers and your standard warbirds. I particularly liked the properly civil schemes on Mustangs and Texans from the 60s and early 70s before every owner of these planes felt they had to mark it as a military plane. I also liked the TWA C-82, something a bit different.  None of these images have been in the earlier releases so it will be all new stuff.

Like the other CD's these are overall portraits of these planes with image quality generally very good. Each image is listed with as much information as is known about the aircraft and the location in which it was photographed. I saw a LOT of them from Reno, so it has to be a warbird fest each year.

I know I liked it and I am equally sure that you will as well.

You can get more information by visiting

Thanks to Aero Research for the review CD.

September 2013

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