
Worldwide Military #2


Jay Sherlock


Aero Research - www.aeroresearchcds.com to order yours


$12.95  plus S&H


Scott Van Aken

Notes: CD-ROM, Catalogue # 1021

This latest CD from Aero Research continues with their look at aircraft of various world wide military units. The period covers from the 70s on forward.

 There are 156 huge images filling 406 megabytes of disc space. Each image has all the information about the aircraft including date and place photographed if it was known. You'll find a selection of aircraft types from A-37s to Alpha Jets, to C-47s. Biz Jets in military markings, F-16s, Mirages, helos and a lot more including some rare South Vietnamese images. There are also a goodly number of in flight images in this one.

Like the other products of Aero Research, this one is a disc of eye candy that I am positive you will find to your liking.

 You can get more information by visiting  www.aeroresearchcds.com

Thanks to Aero Research for the review CD.

May 2011

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