
Warbird Tech #36: C-5 Galaxy


Bill Norton


Specialty Press


$16.95 from Specialty Press


Scott Van Aken

Notes: 104 pages, approx 8½ x 11 inches, softbound
ISBN: 1-58007-061-2

This is the next volume in the continually-expanding Warbird Tech series and covers the largest plane put into production in the US, the C-5 Galaxy.

Written in the usual fashion of the series with sections on development, production, problems to be solved, initial operations, improvements, camouflage, full scale operation, and current status. This is followed by sections with production lists, performance and dimensional data, and finally significant milestones.

Throughout the book are excellent photographs and sections taken from various technical orders on the C-5 itself. There is an eight page color section and the quality of the book is way ahead of where the series started.

Personally, when I first saw this in the mails, I though, 'How interesting could a big cargo plane be?'. Well, once I started reading, I got pulled into it as I would a good novel. I had forgotten many of the trials and tribulations of the C-5 that for years made the news. I was surprised not only to find out how maintenance intensive the plane was, but that many of its problems have only recently been fixed and several probably never will. It is still very maintenance intensive, but has shown itself to be an aircraft that the USAF cannot do without and no replacement is anywhere on the horizon. Yes, the C-17 can perform several of the same functions as the C-5, but nothing else in the inventory has the ability to carry oversize loads as does the C-5. For that reason and that alone, it seems as if the Galaxy is destined for several major overhauls, a re-engining and other systems that will keep it in the air for several more decades.

Another excellent book in the series and one that I can recommend to those with an interest in the type or who just want a good story.

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