German Starfighters Pictorial


Wilfried Zetsche


AirDOC, 2006


Scott Van Aken


Modern Combat Aircraft Special #4
ISBN: 3-935687-56-7


There are times when one just wants a book of eye candy and if you are a Starfighter fan, this is it. The author, Wilfried Zetsche has compiled 64 pages of superb photographs of German F-104s serving in every unit that flew the aircraft.

Inside, you'll find no long history or description of the type, only two photos per page of this A4 sized book. All of the various camouflage schemes and special paint jobs carried by the F-104 in German service are covered as well. In amongst those are some outstanding air to air photographs.

Included are images of the various wing and squadron badges, always a nice touch. The color reproduction is first rate and its most reasonable price makes this a book that you really must have in your library.

October  2006

My thanks to AirDoc for the review book. You can find these at your local hobby shop and if not, ask them to order them for you. You can also order direct by e-mailing them at

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