Lockheed F-104 Starfighter part 1


Gerhard Lang


AirDOC, 2006


Scott Van Aken


Aircraft of the Modern German Army #1
ISBN: 3-935687-57-5


This latest book from AirDoc covers the F-104 Starfighter with fighter-bomber units. It starts with a history of the type and the use of early models with US forces. Then it goes into more detail regarding the German requirements and the modifications made to the aircraft to meet those needs. It also covers the rather high loss rate encountered in the first few years. The author also mentions the numerous modifications made to the aircraft over its 30 years of service life and seems to find the number quite high. Actually, many aircraft with similar life spans will have a similar number of modifications made to them. Some as simple as adding an additional ground wire to a bundle or re-routing a cable to prevent chafing and some as extensive as having a new wing of greater strength added to extend airframe life.

This particular issue concentrates on the fighter-bomber units operating the type and covers the full range of camouflage and codes used by the Starfighter fleet. The photographs in the book are superb and well worth the price of admission. Though you'd think that there would be a lot of duplication between this book and the earlier pictorial, I found that was not the case at all and would be hard pressed to note any at all. There are also a number of excellent profiles included. In fact, the book is probably more photos than anything and that really adds to the pleasure of reading it.

As with others in the series, it is a dual German/English language book and the translation is top-notch. Combined with the most reasonable price, this one is a must have for your shelves.

My thanks to AirDoc for the review book. You can find these at your local hobby shop and if not, ask them to order them for you. You can also order direct by e-mailing them at

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