BOOK: Modelmania #3: P-51D Mustang
PRICE: US$21.99/CDN$27.99  from Airconnection
AUTHOR Dariusz Karnas
REVIEWER: Scott Van Aken
NOTES: Polish/English text, 80 pages, decal sheet included

I've not read a lot of AJ Press books and most of the ones I have are a tad old and mostly in Polish, but the quality of their books is first-rate. This is one of a new series called Modelmania and is aimed squarely at the modeler. One of the highlights of the book is a superb decal sheet in all the major scales in which a Mustang is available.

But let's take a look at the book itself. Written in both Polish and English, this series is a rather interesting combination of book types. There is a history section, a profiles and plans section, a walk-around section, and a kit section that includes a full build review and basic 'peek in the box' types of reviews.

The history section concentrates on the D variant of the P-51, only briefly covering the earlier versions. This leads into a plans section where the different 'block' numbers are done in 1/72 and 1/48 scale. I have to admit to you that the shape of the Aeroproducts propeller that they give looks mighty odd to me. I'll have to leave this one to the experts to mull over.

Next is a section of full color profiles in 1/48 that includes a multiple view section that doubles as a decal stencil guide. This is followed by the walk-around section. Actually, the book has taken photos of mostly restored warbirds as well as some images of planes undergoing restoration and a very few period black and whites for this section. Frankly, I doubt if many operational Mustangs had red engines! The next section is from the maintenance manuals that show the various access panels and one interesting diagram that shows skin thickness.

The last part of the book is devoted to modelers. It starts with a full build of the Trumpeter 1/24 P-51D Mustang. Frankly, the reviewer is too kind as this kit really is one that has a plethora of faults. There is then a general review section of a variety of P-51D kits in various scales, followed by a listing of accessories and decals. As one may expect, not everything is covered as many of these items are not available in Poland (which explains why no info on the Monogram 1/48 P-51D kit, among others).

Th decal sheet is actually bound in with the book and is in all the major scales. This means 1/72, 1/48, 1/32, and 1/24. The sheet offers a superb stencil suite and the unique markings for one aircraft from 303 Sq (Polish) RAF. Insignia will have to come from another source. The stencil placement guide is superb and as mentioned earlier, is incorporated into the superb color drawings that are included in the book.

Overall, it is an excellent reference for those who want to have it all in one place. By strictly concentrating on one subtype of an aircraft (and one that is quite popular), the author has provided the perfect book for both the modeler and the aviation enthusiast alike.

July 2005

Thanks to  Airconnection for the review book.

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